The Reform Temple of Forest Hills


Israel has a special place in our hearts as a Jewish community. We connect through travel, culture, and special programs. We continue to seek opportunities for reflection, learning, and hope as we explore the challenging issues of today.

The Israel Support and Awareness Committee (ISAAC) passionately, in collaboration with our clergy, creates programs and events to connect our community to Israeli culture, history, and contemporary issues as well as to Israelis themselves.

We have a deep commitment to the State of Israel and see American and Israeli Jewry as integrally tied. Our community endeavors to create thoughtful dialogue with regard to the complexities surrounding Israel, fostering an environment where meaningful conversations contribute to a more nuanced understanding of this pivotal aspect of Jewish identity.

If you are interested in joining ISAAC, please contact Andy or Cheryl Kimler at .

The Union for Reform Judaism offers several updated guides and educational programs as resources.

More than 200 days since Hamas’ brutal attack on October 7, nearly 130 hostages still remain in captivity in Gaza. Join with the Reform Movement to demand that the U.S. do all it can until every single hostage is home with their loved ones. Take Action and send a message to Secretary Blinken: Support Continued U.S. Leadership Toward Successful Release of the Hostages.

Help fulfill one of the most important Jewish imperatives— to free the captive: pidyon shvu’im. Please share the link with friends and family. 


Our congregation raises funds for The Shiloni Project, an Israeli grassroots organization which provides urgently needed physical and emotional assistance to IDF troops and displaced families. The project strives to build connections with those they aid through in-person deliveries, conveying care and dignity, of needed items. 

To learn more about the Shiloni Project and listen to personal accounts of the volunteers’ heartwarming work here. Note that this project is supported by Rabbi Emeritus Mayer Perelmuter and Debby Perelmuter.

To make a donation through RTFH which will be forwarded to the organization, please visit here and give as generously as you can.